Eric and I went on a picnic up the canyon today with my parents and Sarah. We admired the beautiful colors and trees on our drive up and started the barbecue up for some hamburgers. While the coals were getting ready my mom, Sarah, and I went on a walk and took pictures of the trees and picked some of the perfect leaves to take home. We took tons of pictures but I will just post some of my favorites for now.
After our walk we ate hamburgers and roasted some apples. I read about roasting apples in a magazine and thought it sounded amazing. They turned out great!
All you do is stick an apple, like a marshmallow, onto a roasting fork and cook it over the fire.
Once the skin begins to blacken:
Peel the apple and skewer it again to roast a second time.
Roast the apple until it is golden.
Cut the apple up and roll in some cinnamon sugar.
It tasted great! I think I'm going to make it a camping tradition.