Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Exercise Update

My little 30 day exercise routine should be coming to a close next week.  Buuuut, I've only done the exercises for about 2 weeks all combined.  There are very good reasons for this.  I have not just been lazy. 

About a week after I started exercising, I came down with a cold.  A really bad cold.  I even missed two days of work that week for this cold!  I got better and started the exercises again.  After about 4 days I came down with strep throat! I really regretted staying home from work the week before and there was no way I was going to exercises with strep throat.  Maybe I was being lazy but I felt pretty crappy.  It was the worst strep I've ever had.  After my mom made sure that I was taking antibiotics and not just ibuprofen for the pain I got better pretty quickly.  Again I started the exercises.  After another few days I started to cough really badly, I think the inversion and terrible air quality had something to do with it.  So again I missed a few days of exercises.  I picked back up yesterday with my exercises and I feel pretty good. 

Even though I did not make it through every day of working out I did notice some changes.  First and foremost... I gained 4 pounds.  I was justifiably upset, I had kept my diet the same and had been doing these workouts.  However, I am keeping myself upbeat by reminding myself that muscle weighs more than fat or rather that it is denser than fat and I know that I have lost some fat because I was careful to measure myself before I started exercising.  I have lost about a half inch all around and that is really exciting to me.  I also joined a website, myfitnesspal.com, because it keeps track of the calories that you eat and the exercises you do and so far it has been pretty helpful, letting me know how many more calories I have for each day. 

So I'm going to say that my 30 days began yesterday.  Hopefully I don't come down with another random sickness to hold me back. 


  1. good luck! i swear, bodies love to revolt.
    i hope you stay healthy, too, especially with those adorable but germy kids that you see all day. :)

    miss you! wish we could go walk together or something.

  2. We should do them together--I need someone to motivate me!

  3. I am stuck in a food/exercise at the current moment. I hear that those weight web sites work pretty well. Good luck!

  4. Good job sticking with your diet! Last fall when I started eating right and exercising I gained and lost pounds for a month and a half before I was consistently losing weight. Keep it up :)
